


there is nothing as wonderful as freshly cut garden flowers in beautiful white pitchers. i have just a teensy bit of flower arranging training, but it feels like art … composing the textures and colors and shapes that please my eye ... so i like to play around.


it is fun to walk around the garden and cut what strikes me as beautiful. then i pile up all the cuttings and sort through it to create my little arrangements.


and now, as i’m beginning to play with photography, it is fun to then photograph these beauties {and then play with settings}


full color


or sort of vintage-y faded color

IMG_6858 IMG_6863


perhaps someday i will have a gorgeous cutting garden, but for now, i will enjoy the bounty of my mother-in-law’s.


  1. Wow, Em. Nice pics and great flower arranging skills being honed! Wasn't it said that you got your creative talents from your mother? tee hee

    xo. maybe this is from your mother

  2. Gorgeous flowers, gorgeous pics!!! I need a white pitcher like yours...I just found out the other day that there is a peony bush on our property! Who knew?!

    Thanks for so much for stopping by my blog and for your advice on painting the door black. I'm definitely going to go for it now, just a matter of when I can get to it. Too funny about you not asking your husband first, that is awesome! Mine usually agrees with me on decor decisions, mostly because I think he just wants me to stop talking to him about them!!

    Your boys are so cute! I love their little silhouettes, great concept:)
