I’m pretty new to blogging. I remember vividly a few years ago my husband talking about ‘blogs’ and I was clueless. Somehow, I found a blog which led me to another and then another, and … you know the story. I was hooked. I go in spurts. Right now I’m on a blog-love spurt. I think the lack of magazines in print has influenced this greatly. Sometimes {okay, a lot of times} I just want to sit on the couch and look at an inspiring magazine. However, my favorites have all been cancelled {I’m still in mourning}, and so I have turned to blogs.
One of those blogs is Loving Pretty Things. Good inspiring photos, links, personal stories. Its what I love.

And she generously nominated me for a Beautiful Blogger Award.
Sometimes I feel like I don’t really know why someone would want to read about me or see images that I like {do we all doubt ourselves? Do we blog for each other or for our own pleasure?}. The fact that Tracy, a perfect stranger, would find my blog both beautiful and worthy of a little award is touching.
And so, as a recipient of a nomination, I am now required to follow the rules:
Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
Copy the award & place it on your blog.
Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
Tell us 7 interesting things about yourself.
Nominate 7 bloggers.
Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
So here is my list of 7 interesting things about me {can’t promise it is very interesting, but it is a list nevertheless}:
1. I really love good worship music. I wish I could always listen to ‘my’ music in the car, but most of the time it is Psalty or a kid movie. Although I can’t complain because an in-car DVD player is the greatest invention ever created for moms like me.
2. I prefer every light to be on in the house. For no other reason than that I like light {my husband did just walk past me and mutter, “why is every light in our house on right now?”}
3. This is NOT interesting, but I am just dying to lay on my stomach. Soon, I remind myself. Soon.
4. Both my husband and I are from the Seattle area, but we met at college in California {Azusa Pacific University}. We joke that neither of us needs a degree to do our jobs. Therefore, we paid A LOT of money to meet each other {and some great friends}.
5. As a little girl I was a ballet dancer and still have a secret dream of being a ballerina. It is such a far cry from anything that might happen, so I just do pilates instead {I call it ballet laying down}. But let me be honest for a moment and add that I haven’t done pilates in, oh, ten months maybe. I’m really not a devoted work-out kind of girl. Perhaps someday.
6. The highlight of my day is getting the mail. That sounds like I have a terribly boring life. But I do really enjoy getting mail.
7. Someday I’m pretty sure we’ll live in a warehouse. This is my husband’s dream of all dreams and I will oblige happily once we no longer have kids who need a neighborhood to play in.
And now for seven of my favorite blogs {that I also think are beautiful}
1. armommy.blogspot.com
I do love this blog, but even more so, I love the lady behind the blog. Rae is a dear friend of mine with such a creative talent and sweet heart for moms. Please have a look around at her stuff!
2. audreycaroline.blogspot.com
it is very likely that you’ve read her story, but I adore Angie’s wisdom and vulnerability and can’t wait for her book to come out!
3. mymamamadeit.blogspot
great creative ideas for re-designing clothes.
4. blog.urbangrace.com
she hasn’t been blogging as much as when I first started reading {could be something to do with the darling baby she just had} but I love Erika’s style, her ideas and photographs.
5. flythroughourwindow.com
a fun mix of amusing stories, recipes, adventures and thoughts from Erika’s twin sister Darby. Definitely one of my favorites.
6. resolved2worship.xanga.com
I mostly adore this one for the photography of this G O R G E O U S woman’s G O R G E O U S seven children.
7. lindseycheney.blogspot.com
good craft ideas, inspiring house, darling children … a fun read.
So there you have it. Thanks again Tracy for the nomination!